Kit List - Kingsdown - Scouts

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Kit List - Kingsdown

Kit List for Kingsdown

Notes for Parent/s / Carer/s Please read carefully;                                                                                                                 
Items marked * MUST be brought to the activity.
Where quantities are stated it is the responsibility of the Parent/s or Carer/s to ensure that sufficient items are packed.
Insufficient or unsuitable clothing or equipment could result in you having to come and collect your child early from an activity.
We travel to and from activities in full uniform (including footwear). This not only advertises our presence and helps us to identify our members, but also on camps, provides clean and dry cloths to travel home in.
It may assist "recovery" if as many items as possible are marked with a name.
Ruc-Sac's and holdall’s are better than plastic bags which often fail to survive the journey there.
Our tents have limited space and luggage is often kept beside the owner. Suit cases, especially larger one’s can make life very uncomfortable for the owner as they are inflexible and take up so much room. Please try to use Ruc-Sac’s or Holdall’s.
If your child is to pack for themselves, please make sure you check what they have packed before they leave for the activity. We have had some unfortunate incidents in the past, for instance when a child was found to be suffering from hypothermia. Investigations found that they were wearing wet clothes because they had not packed sufficient changes of clothing.
The questions to ask while packing; Can I eat, can I sleep and can I do the things that we are going to do. If you answer yes to all the above, you probably have with you everything you need. The general rule is - If it can be broken, it probably will be!
While some activities may not require all these items, if you’re in doubt it’s probably best to pack it just in case!
* A completed Permission to Camp Form and payment in full
* SCOUT UNIFORM (MUST be worn to & from the activity unless otherwise stated)
* SLEEPING BAG (or Double Duvet pinned together)
* TEA TOWEL/S (one for a weekend, two for a week)
* CHANGES OF SOCKS and UNDERWEAR (one for every day that you are away)
* CHANGES OF T-SHIRT/TOP (one for every day that you are away)
* TWO PAIRS OF TROUSERS/JOGGERS (Three pairs or more for a week activity)
* WARM OVERCOAT/JACKET (Even during summer activities)
BLANKET/S (at least one)
Stout SHOES, BOOTS or TRAINERS for walking (NOT those worn with uniform)
Wellington Boots or flip flops (for walking on wet grass)
A HAT (in cold weather)
RUC-SAC (Plastic bags/bin liners may not last the journey there)
Small Ruc-Sac or shoulder bag to carry food and extra clothing during activities
Small Re-Useable drinking bottle
Please also refer to our booking conditions available from our web site or by request. Return of a completed Permission to Camp form is your acceptance of those conditions.
© 4th Royal Eltham Scouts
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